Tuesday 9 September 2008

8 September 2008 - End of fifth week of combined radio/chemotherapy treatment

Deb on 7 September after 5 weeks of treatment - taking her 135mg of temozolomide

5 weeks of combined radio/chemotherapy now complete.

Deb now very tired from radiotherapy. Sleeping pills were just not working so Deb stopped taking them. Deb now sleeps for about the same time each night - 4 or 5 hours - but without the pills wakes up feeling much more alert. She has decided not to take the pills for a few nights and see how things go. Hopefully she will get into a good natural sleep pattern.

Friday 5 September, Deb had her fifth blood test and the results were again good. The red blood cell count was slightly down but not enough to cause concern.

Deb had her weekly review with Dr Chan on Monday 8 September. I was again unable to attend. ( I was giving a presentation at the HSE's Offshore Divisional Conference on the findings from the explosion at BP Texas City oil refinery and the implications for the UK offshore oil industry). Thanks once again to Kate Waltho who took Deb to the hospital and had to wait several hours until the doctor could be seen.

Next Monday 15 September will be Deb's last fraction of radiotherapy treatment. We will see the doctor for the final review. At that time we will be given a date in four weeks when Deb will need to return to the hospital for a further blood test and if that is clear we will start the first cycle of the monotherapy ie just chemotherapy on its own.

Deb had arranged through the occupational therapy department at Slade Road that she would have massage and acupuncture sessions on Friday 5 September at 2 pm. At 1.30 the physiotherapist who was going to give the treatment rung Deb at home to say that she had read her notes and did not think it was suitable for Deb's type of tumour. Deb brought this up with the consultant on Monday. He could not understand why massage or acupuncture could not be given. Fred Berki is going to contact the OH department to discuss the issue.

It is a relief to be heading into the final week. The guidance mentions that patients often feel a bit depressed when radiotherapy finishes. They no longer have a sense of attacking the tumour; of actually doing something to fight the disease. Deb may well feel the same. If she is well enough we will try and get away for a week. A short break by the seaside would be nice.


erin said...

Hi, Merce has just forwarded your blog-spent the last half hour reading this rather than working on my research project! Fascinating and so well written. Feel I have learnt so much more about GBM from your blog than from my medical training-you should think about using it for medical students and others involved in this area.
You're an amazing pair. I really hope you manage a few days away-you deserve it,
much love,
Erin xx

jo said...

Hey Deb and Chris
Tomorrow is the last day of tablets
Time to relax and take a breather.
Escape to Australia it's nearly summer and the climate is just beautiful for a holiday with your niecex