Monday 1 September 2008

1 September 2008 - End of fourth week of combined radio/chemotherapy treatment

Deb (with Carol and Steve) on 3 September after 4 weeks of treatment

4 weeks of combined radio/chemotherapy treatment now complete.

No real change from last week. Deb continues to lose her hair and to feel tired. Although we did manage a short walk in Sutton Park on Saturday.

The new sleeping pills prescribed by Dr Garbett last week are not working so well. (Deb only got a couple of hours sleep last night). We will contact the doctor again and meanwhile revert back to the Zoplicone.

On Friday 29 August Deb had her fourth blood test. The white blood cell count was slightly raised and the phlebotomist suggested Deb speak to her doctor about it. After speaking to Fred Berki we again went to see Dr Garbett on Friday evening. He was not concerned with the blood test results but gave Deb some penicillin as a precautionary measure. He also suggested taking all of the steroids in the morning to try and improve the sleeping.

Deb had her weekly review with the consultant at the QEH today. I was unable to be present (I had to travel up to Flint in North Wales to attend a Speed Awareness Course - the result of being caught on a speed camera in Northrop on the 22 May doing 36 mph in a 30 mph area. I found the course very worthwhile. Did you know that if you hit someone at 20 mph they have a 5% chance of being killed, at 30 mph its a 45% chance, at 40 mph its an 80% chance? In other words a small change in speed can have a dramatic effect on the outcome.)

Many thanks to Kate Waltho who took Deb to the hospital. And all the other friends and family who have helped out over previous weeks:-

06/08/08 - Kate Eaton
13/08/08 - Cherry Thomas
15/08/08 - Liz Smith
18/08/08 - Andy Hams (I still went but Andy did give moral support)
21/08/08 - Cherry Thomas
28/08/08 - Jacqui Talbot
29/08/08 - Liz Smith

At the review Deb saw Dr Chan. It appears we are now his patient rather than under Professor Jones. Although there was another long wait, Deb said the meeting was very relaxed and not rushed like previous times. (Must have been because I wasn't there).
Dr Chan said:
1) The blood test results were fine and he did not know why our GP had but us on the penicillin. He said Deb looked really well. He was pleased that she still had a healthy appetite, was not sick and was keeping positive.
2) Deb could now reduce her steroids from 6mg per day to 4mg per day. Deb's face was swollen today and the radiotherapy mask was tight and had left clear imprints on her skin. He hopes the reduction in steroids will reduce the swelling and also help with the sleep.
3) At the end of the radiotherapy Deb would have a four week break from treatment. During this time we should do normal things. Take it easy and rest.

Deb continues to be in good spirits. Only two weeks to go!!


M.Morell said...

Glad to see Deb's doing well!!! Keep up your strength!
Chris, thanks for keeping the blog up-to-date.

Loads of love to you all, Merce

Emer said...

My husband was diagnosed with GBM in October 2006. He received the same treatment as Deb. He was on Temodal until March 2008 when his Oncologist decided he had been on it long enough. We have gone on several holidays abroad since then, he is great, he walks, watches TV, reads, plays his Nintendo, loves Sudoko. He has a normal life, except that he is always very tired. He now only has to see his Oncologist every 3 months, and he is on no medication at all. He had to get a hearing aid because his hearing is not good. He is in no pain. This is really a wonder drug.