Tuesday 6 September 2011

6 September 2011 - Neuroscience Outpatient Department, Old QE

Deb on holiday - somewhere on the coastal path between Woolacombe and Mortehoe, North Devon

Since the last post Deb has been really well. Throughout the summer she has continued to lose weight (something which has pleased Deb very much) and has been very active. In fact she has been bored and looking for things to do. Even her dizzy spells have seemed less frequent recently.

Today saw Dr Sanghera to discuss result of latest MRI scan which Deb had on 25 August (her 17th since RT).

The news again was good. The tumour was about the same size as the last scan (30 June). So no discernible tumour growth in 2 months. Dr Sanghera said he had seen this before in some patients. The chemotherapy hits the tumour hard and causes a long term effect on tumour growth which continues even when there is no longer chemotherapy in the body. 

It was agreed that Deb would continue without chemo and the progress of the tumour would be monitored by scanning. The next scan will be in 2 months time. Next appointment to see Dr Sanghera is on 6 December at 10:30. 

We also reviewed the other drugs Deb is taking. It was agreed that Deb could be 'weaned off' phenytoin (this is an anti-convulsant drug. Deb has never fitted but was put on this as a precautionary measure after her debaulking surgery). Deb will also stop taking ranitidine (medication to stop acid reflux - a side effect of steroids). Steroid dose will remain the same (2mg per day).  Because Deb has been on steroids for over 3 years, Dr Sanghera recommended that Deb saw her GP for a review, for instance further bone scans may be appropriate. 

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