Tuesday 17 February 2009

I need to lose weight - update

START WEIGHT (05/01/09) = 13 st 4 lbs
TARGET WEIGHT = 12 st 4 lbs
CURRENT WEIGHT(16/02/09) = 12 st 9 lbs

I have lost 9 lbs in 6 weeks. This is remarkable given my recent lapses with roast dinners and Indian takeaways. These are the foods which I must stop eating if I am to achieve my target weight: peanuts, wine gums, roast potatoes and poppadoms.


Chris said...

Lose weight by take-aways and roast dinners....sounds like a good diet to me. Good to hear that Deb has finally got the palpitations sorted. Keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

What!!! what about liquorice allsorts.
Heard about you both being poorly from Chris, is there anything you want us to do, if so just let us know.
Thinking of you both,