Tuesday 22 May 2018

22 May 2018 - Ward 621, Out-patients Oncology/Haematology Unit, QE Hospital

Deb and Kate in Monmouth 

Visit to start Deb'as second cycle of the PCV chemotherapy. Yesterday we saw Dr Sanghera at the Cancer Centre. Deb had her blood analysed and the results were within the normal range. Since the last visit to the hospital Deb has been largely in good health. She has had some headaches and tiredness but on the whole she has been well and positive about life. She enjoyed our weekend in a cottage in Monmouth with the children and their partners and the meal out with the women in her family to celebrate her birthday. 

The procedure at the hospital with the chemotherapy was the same as with the first cycle. Turn up at 2 pm wait 2 hours, answer a lot of questions and start the chemo at 4. After picking up the the other parts of the chemotherapy from the pharmacy we got home about 6. As yet Deb has not been sick and all is going well.

The Chemotherapy Unit was as chaotic as at the last visit. I think the trouble is that it is not managed. If it is the manager is not on site. Nobody sets the tone and as a result it is set by the nurses. It is great for them but it seems to me the Unit is lax and not focused on its task. 

Deb has to take the second part of the chemo tonight and then 10 days of the third part, all in tablet form. She will have another scan in a about a month's time before seeing Dr Sanghera and starting the next cycle.

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