Monday 19 September 2016

19 September 2016 - Cancer Centre, Old QE Hospital

Deb and Jenny in Lisbon, September 2016

Saw Dr Sanghera, Consultant Oncologist, and Claire Goddard CNS. Visit to start Deb's chemotherapy. Deb is to be given a course of temozolomide on a 28 day cycle. Deb will take a single daily dose of 270 mg for 5 days followed by a recovery period of 23 days. We discussed side effects - sickness, tiredness, and risk to the immune system. Hair loss is unlikely. Deb then signed the consent form.

We next saw Anna, the pharmacist who dispensed the drugs. (This new system when the pharmacist comes to you in the Cancer Centre is a great improvement compared to last time when we had to find our way to the pharmacy and often wait hours for the drugs to be dispensed). The temozolomide will be taken last thing before going to bed. As well as the chemotherapy Deb was given anti-sickness medication to be taken 1 hour before the chemo and again 12 hours after. Anna explained that Deb's immune system could be compromised for 7 to 10 days after taking the chemotherapy and during that time we should be alert for any sign of infection (high temperature, rashes, vomiting etc). We were given a card with numbers to ring if we have any concerns.

Deb now has 3 courses of chemo (we will visit the hospital once per month) and then will have a further MRI scan.

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