Thursday 24 September 2009

21 September 2009 - Appointment at QE Hospital

Deb had her sixth MRI scan since the radiotherapy treatment on 17 September. Visit to QE on the 21 was to discuss the results of the scan with Dr Sanghera. Sam and Kate both came to the hospital with us.

MRI Scan

This was more good news. The grade iv part of the tumour was still stable and the total bulk of the tumour again appeared to be slightly reduced in size. Deb is obviously continuing to respond well to the continuous chemotherapy. It is now 8 months without significant progression of the tumour.

Blood tests

The blood analysis machine was not working so Debs blood samples had to be sent to the lab and we did not get the results while we were at the QE. However Dr Sanghera had looked at Deb's blood test results from last month and said that the lymphocyte count (a type of white blood cell that fights infection) was slightly low. He was concerned that Deb may be susceptible to a type of pneumonia (pneumocyctosis) and has prescribed a preventative antibiotic which Deb will have to take twice a day, three times a week. When we did get the blood test results Deb's lymphocyte count was higher than expected (not good news could be due to an infection) but we are continuing with the antibiotics.

(Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) or pneumocystosis is a form of pneumonia, caused by the yeast-like fungus Pneumocystis jirovecii. This pathogen is specific to humans. It has not been shown to infect other animals, while other species of Pneumocystis that parasitize other animals (all of which are mammals) have not been shown to infect humans.[1]
Pneumocystis is commonly found in the lungs of healthy people, but being a source of opportunistic infection it can cause a lung infection in people with a weakened immune system. Pneumocystis pneumonia is especially seen in people with cancer, HIV/AIDS and the use of medications that affect the immune system.)

Other health related issues

Deb and I have started a six week course in exercise and relaxation at St Giles Hospice, Sutton Coldfield. The exercise is all done sitting down but all muscle groups are worked. It is good although I cannot shake off the feeling when I am sat on a chair waving my arms about that I am in a old people's home and the bingo will be brought out next. For the relaxation we are trying a different technique each week. Last week was sensing each part of your body and then letting go. This week was a visualisation technique. You are on a beach, the sand is golden, the warmth of the sun etc etc... The plan is that Deb and I are going to find some time to do this everyday. We haven't quite managed it yet.

We have also seen the psychologist at the QE. She is helping us to come to terms with what has happened. We have had two sessions so far. We have talked about how Deb was diagnosed, her treatment since then, our feelings and emotions. Our aim is to improve the quality of the time we have left. It is good to talk to someone in a structured way but no one can make the tumour go away. Perhaps we can learn to come to terms with our situation.

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