Tuesday 7 April 2009

6 April 2009 - Appointment at QE Hospital - AT LAST GOOD NEWS

6 April - Garden Frederick Road - Before the hospital

Deb had her third MRI scan since the radiotherapy on 30 March. This visit was to find out the result. A stressful time especially after the poor result of the last scan. Deb has been on edge all last week. If that was possible, the difficulty she has staying asleep has got worse. Sam and Kate came with us to the hospital. We all expected bad news and further tumour progression. However we were all proved wrong. For the first time since Deb was first diagnosed; a doctor actually gave us good news. The grade IV parts of the tumour had not got any bigger. This is great news. Either the tumour has stabilised following the radiotherapy or the change in the chemotherapy regime to a continuous dose is having an effect and slowing the growth.

Deb had another blood test and the results were OK. The red blood cell count was a little lower than normal but not enough to affect the chemotherapy and Dr Sanghera confirmed we would continue with the daily dose as before. He also confirmed that the liver results were not a problem. He has also suggested that the GP does the next set of bloods in 2 weeks time. I liked the fact that he said this. It means he feels more relaxed about Deb and is happy not to see her for a month. This means we can relax too. Go and see friends or book a week away perhaps.

Next scan arranged for 2 months time. Lets hope things stay as they are. In this case no news really is good news.

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