Wednesday 26 November 2008

Update from Deb - Wednesday 26 November 2008


Thought it was time I put a message on 'The Blog'.

It's been a bit of a rollercoaster month really since seeing Dr Sangira at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. I came away from our appointment feeling very negative and it took me quite a few days (infact I think it was around 5) before I felt happy about where I was with my treatment. I went to my Living with Cancer course at the Cancer Centre in Sutton last Tuesday and I was the topic of conversation about dealing with negative thoughts, which helped enormouosly. Made me realise that there are actually people worse off than me... Been reducing my steroids and I'm now on 1mg daily. My sleep is a lot better. I'm not as jittery as I was. I even sat through Mama Mia, and enjoyed it. I have been having more headaches and are monitoring these and will decide whether to go back up to 1.5mg or stick at the 1mg.
If things had been different, Chris and I would have flown out on holiday last Saturday with Explore for 3 weeks in Vietnam and Cambodia. When we got back from India in January and booked this it seemed a life time away and yet here it was. Because we cancelled, we have to book another holiday with Explore before the end of the year, or loose our deposit. I've contacted 3 travel insurance companies today, who have all declined to provide me with travel insurance. Apparently I'm a high risk!
Sam and Kate home this weekend and I have my scan at the QEH at 1.45pm on Saturday, good to see the NHS is using its facilities at the weekend.
Love to everyone, Debxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Deb & Chris,

Working from home today & thought I'd read your blog (whilst Gill is speaking to Chris!!)and well, just wanted to let you know how much we are all thinking of you both and of course the kids.

love Colin x